This is a soft tissue injury to the muscles and ligaments in the back of your neck, frequently associated with low-velocity rear-end motor vehicle collisions. The diagnosis is made by the history, symptoms and X-rays.
- Pain in the back of your neck
- Muscle spasm
- Neck stiffness
The normal Cervical spine has a curve (called lordosis) in the shape of the letter "C."

- Most commonly from being subjected to a rear-end motor vehicle collision
- Any sudden hyperextension movement of the neck, followed by hyperflexion
A Cervical Spine subjected to a Whiplash Injury frequently loses the normal "C" curve.
Possible treatment options

Non operative treatment
This condition is always treated non-surgically.
Intermittent use of a soft foam cervical collar, medication for pain and inflammation, and physical therapy exercises are all useful in diminishing pain and stiffness and regaining function.
For more information on Whiplash injury, visit Understand Spine Surgery.